Children’s musical show inspired by the tales of the book “Stories of Alexandre” by Graciliano Ramos, also author of the celebrated “Vidas secas” (Barren Lives) and “Memórias do cárcere” (Memoirs of Prison). In a free adaptation for children, Alexandre is a “story teller” who gives voice to the author’s poetic prose and, in his delusional narrative, transforms reality and reinvents the world. After the debut of the Brazilian Tales series, sponsored by CCBBs, the project traveled through all Rio de Janeiro State sponsored by Eletrobras.
Alexandre fills the dry emptiness of the hinterlands and of his life with marvelous tales, in which he himself is always the invincible hero. Encouraged by his wife, Cesaria, the teller unravels one by one, his impossible feats, wowing listeners and leading everyone to travel with his fantasy: a fun holed canoe that, he swears, will never sink.
Direction by Antonio Karnevale, with the actors Cesar Amorim and Marce Porena; soundtrack composed and performed live by Pedra Lispe musical group.
Related projects: Contos Clássicos - Music + Theatre / O Carnaval Animais / Design & Scenography - Moleque Pizindim
Actors: Antonio Karnewale / Cesar Amorim e Marcê Porena
Musicians: Grupo Pedra Lispe (Alexandre Bittencourt - flautas, Rudá Brauns - bandolim, Pedro Messina - violão 7 cordas, Bruno Reis - viola sertaneja, Maria Clara Valle - violoncelo, Thiago Kobe - percussões)
Direction: Antonio Karnewale
Original Script: Graciliano Ramos
Script Adaptation: Heloisa Leite
Musical Direction: Rudá Brauns
Soundtrack: Rudá Brauns*
*except “Alma de Gato”, by Samuel Araújo and “Casamento na Roça”, by Bruno Reis.
Lyrics: Heloisa Leite
Lighting: Fernanda Mantovani
Scenography: Diogo Rezende
Original Costumes: Marieta Spada
Costumes Adaptation: Karla Pê
Production Management: Isabel Seixas
Executive Production: Ana Luisa Fonseca
Production Assistant: Aloisio Moraes
Scenography Assemblage: Tuta
Sound Engineer: Sérgio Manso
Original Concept and Curatorship: Isabel Seixas and Mariane Moraes
Financial Management: Larissa Victorio
Photography: Gustavo Cassano
Graphic Design: estúdio M'Baraká
Production: estúdio M’Baraká
Press: LEAD Comunicação
Sponsorship: Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil e Eletrobras